Reconditorium Eximium Rerum Universalium Mutabiliumque for
Google Cloud Services
This application (RERUM for short) provides an open repository for the storage of annotations and abstract objects related to Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage studies. Use of this repository is voluntary and without warranty, but all efforts towards continued support and open access are made. At the moment, this repository is supported entirely by the Walter J. Ong, SJ Center for Digital Humanities at Saint Louis University. This project is open for contribution or cloning on github.com. All data submitted to RERUM is technically open and discoverable, but is not required to be interesting. GCS Datastore is an object/document NoSQL-style database with no enforced schema, but JSON-LD would be nice.
In the spirit of openness, RERUM absolutely trusts registered applications, but does not independently authenticate clients. Once an application is registered, the API key becomes the path to verification. As the repository and her associated tools mature, it will become simpler to filter results by trusted groups, though in most cases, applications will find only the objects for which they are looking.
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